History of Amazing Life Fellowship

In the beginning . . . Year 1 - 2007 - 2008

On one of our first trips to Africa, we met a man called George "Agai" Olendo. George was selected as a driver by a friend of ours from Kentucky who had previously known him.

We wanted George to take us across Kenya to see how we could share our lives with others in Africa. All during our trip we talked with our friend about the corporate life of Jesus Christ we were living. We didn't really notice but George was intently listening. One evening, George asked us if the life we talked about could happen in Kenya. We told him yes and over the next few months, as we traveled back to the States, George began to gather people. Three months later, he emailed us to tell us he had over 60 people meeting together in a soccer field, preaching the Gospel door to door, and trying to take care of the poor among them. George told us of his heart to see African Christians really come together as a family, sharing resources, and taking care of one another. We encouraged him. So, we began looking for ways to help them.

After a few more months, George called and asked if we could come back and help him with the people he had gathered. We said we would be delighted.

Upon our next visit with George, (2008) we saw and were appalled at the incredible needs in the slums of Nakuru where George lives. Orphans roaming the streets, begging for food, often with open and untreated sores. Children that were being used for illicit purposes. Children with no parents and little hope. In the slums of Kenya there's not even much to beg from. AIDS is rampant in Kenya. There are 1.2 million people with AIDS (about 1 in every 30 persons). AIDS widows and their children die of starvation or sickness in the slums. Mosquitoes carry Malaria and Typhoid is everywhere because of the unsanitary conditions. In the slums, people rarely have beds, much less mosquito nets to protect them at night. Our hearts were both touched and challenged to do something.

Now we are traveling to Kenya on a regular basis and watching God build a church that is run and equipped by the people of Nakuru. We come and share what we have heard and seen of this incredible Life and Love of God, and they turn right around and put his commands into practice. They are beginning to look a lot like the people in the book of Acts. God is blessing them and they are growing up into Christ.

Year 2 - 2008 - 2009

Year 3 - 2009 - 2010

Year 4 - 2010 - 2011

Year 5 - 2011 - 2012

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